This upcoming Sunday’s show will be all about cravings and how to overcome unhealthy habits. Dr. Tonmoy Sharma together with guests include Thomas J. Gould, Ph.D., […]
Cultivating Happiness
Rather than traditional approaches that focus on the pathology, pain and suffering of individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders, positive psychology is a psychological […]
The Science of Success
One important quality has been touted as a key predictor of success is emotional intelligence—some say that its’ even more predictive of success than conventional intelligence. […]
Recovery from Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects more than 100 million people in the U.S. alone. To discuss chronic pain management and recovery, we’re joined […]
Tis the Season to be Stressed
The holiday season can be a joyful time to spend with loved ones, eat delicious food and create happy memories. Yet, for many people, dealing with […]
Falling Through The Cracks: Part 3
What can people do when they can no longer afford quality health insurance? We discuss the options that people have when they are at risk of […]
Prosecutors Gone Wild: Part 3
In this week’s show, join Dr. Tonmoy Sharma to discuss about the misconduct of government prosecutors and targeted attacks on innocent people continues. Mark Godsey, a […]
Troubled Teens
As a parent, what do you do when your teen starts acting out, drinking or using drugs or exhibiting other troubling behavior? One in five teens […]
Falling Through the Cracks: Part 2
The current health care system is failing a lot of families — premiums and deductibles are too high, and many services aren’t getting covered. One major […]
Genetic Testing for Personalized Medicine
A relatively new form of genetic testing called, pharmacogenetics, is being used to improve efficacy and reduce the adverse effects of psychiatric medications. To discuss what […]
SB 636: Protecting California’s Most Vulnerable Patients
This show focuses on Senate Bill 636, a new California bill that aims to ban some of the harmful practices in the addiction treatment and recovery […]
Moms Who Wine
Why does wine drinking by moms seem to be glorified more than ever before? For many women, their drinking ramps up soon after they have children. […]