Motivational Interviewing
Individuals with substance use disorders may have the desire to stop drinking or using drugs but may not be ready to change. This week’s show is […]
The Psychology of a Serial Killer
Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a serial killer? In this week’s show, Dr. Tonmoy Sharma discusses the brain abnormalities of […]
BPD & Relationships
Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a serial killer? In this week’s show, Dr. Tonmoy Sharma discusses the brain abnormalities of […]
Love vs Lust
In an episode of “In Your Right Mind,” guest speakers explore the question of what constitutes a successful relationship. This topic is particularly relevant to mental […]
Harm Reduction: An intervention that aims to minimize the harmful effects of drug use
Traditional treatment approaches view abstinence as the only way to recover from an addiction, but, addiction is often not an “all or nothing” process. An unconventional […]
This upcoming Sunday’s show will be all about cravings and how to overcome unhealthy habits. Dr. Tonmoy Sharma together with guests include Thomas J. Gould, Ph.D., […]
Cultivating Happiness
Rather than traditional approaches that focus on the pathology, pain and suffering of individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders, positive psychology is a psychological […]
The Science of Success
One important quality has been touted as a key predictor of success is emotional intelligence—some say that its’ even more predictive of success than conventional intelligence. […]
Recovery from Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects more than 100 million people in the U.S. alone. To discuss chronic pain management and recovery, we’re joined […]
Tis the Season to be Stressed
The holiday season can be a joyful time to spend with loved ones, eat delicious food and create happy memories. Yet, for many people, dealing with […]
Falling Through The Cracks: Part 3
What can people do when they can no longer afford quality health insurance? We discuss the options that people have when they are at risk of […]
Prosecutors Gone Wild: Part 3
In this week’s show, join Dr. Tonmoy Sharma to discuss about the misconduct of government prosecutors and targeted attacks on innocent people continues. Mark Godsey, a […]
Troubled Teens
As a parent, what do you do when your teen starts acting out, drinking or using drugs or exhibiting other troubling behavior? One in five teens […]
Falling Through the Cracks: Part 2
The current health care system is failing a lot of families — premiums and deductibles are too high, and many services aren’t getting covered. One major […]
Genetic Testing for Personalized Medicine
A relatively new form of genetic testing called, pharmacogenetics, is being used to improve efficacy and reduce the adverse effects of psychiatric medications. To discuss what […]
SB 636: Protecting California’s Most Vulnerable Patients
This show focuses on Senate Bill 636, a new California bill that aims to ban some of the harmful practices in the addiction treatment and recovery […]
Moms Who Wine
Why does wine drinking by moms seem to be glorified more than ever before? For many women, their drinking ramps up soon after they have children. […]
Patient Brokering
“Patient brokers” are bad people who take advantage of vulnerable patients, by luring them in and out of treatment by bribes or financial incentives, so they […]